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Senior Walk: An End of the Year Tradition

Did you see this article floating around about a senior walk that was started in Texas? Well, I did, and I LOVED the idea so I shared it with my principal who shared it with other principals who decided we needed to start it in our district too.  And so began the annual Senior Walk!

As I was reading more about this original senior walk that started in Texas in the spring of 2016, I just knew that we had to start it in my district.  Being a relatively small district with 6 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and a high school, the students remain attached and committed to the elementary school they attended, so I knew the seniors would also buy into this idea!

With only a couple weeks left in the school year, the first senior walk was put together rather quickly, but it went off without a hitch.  And needless to say, it was incredible!  Our elementary students loved it and the seniors loved it even more.

This year, was our second annual Senior Walk and it was just as awesome!  As an entire experience, the whole thing still gives my goose bumps as I think about it.

To better plan this year, weeks in advance, the principals each sent an individualized invitation for seniors to come back to their elementary school and do “the walk”.  The teachers start talking about it with our students and the seniors get excited to come back to the school that started their educational career.

Picture this: it’s 2:00 on the Friday before graduation.  Students grades K-4 have lined the hallways as they see glimpses of maroon cap and gowns gathering at the front of the school.  Pomp and Circumstance begins to play over the loud speaker and seniors begin walking through the hallway. Little kids try to get high fives, teachers clap and everyone cheers.  Then the entire school gathers for an assembly.

I cannot begin to share how incredible of an experience it is for our students and for the seniors (I know I already said that, and I’ll probably say it again ????).

At the assembly, the seniors say their name (so many of them have grown so much you can’t even recognize them) and they share a favorite memory or advice.  Everyone continues to cheer and clap and we end the day on a huge high note.

Can you sense my excitement?  This year was even more exciting for me because this graduating class were in fifth grade when I started at this school-so I actually knew some of them which made it even better!  It is an wonderful experience for all of those involved and definitely something I would recommend starting in your district if you can.

Let me know if you do this or something like it.  I’d love to hear about it.

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