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Hi there!

I’m a first grade teacher with 20 years of elementary teaching experience. I’m here to give you ideas and resources to make learning interactive, engaging, and fun!

I know how hard and time-consuming teaching great, interactive lessons can be. I create interactive activities that will teach your students many important skills. They are ready to go and easy to prep to make your life easier.

Hi there!  My name is Paige Bessick, and I am the face behind The Interactive Teacher.

I really am so glad you are here!  I’m here to give you ideas and resources to make learning interactive, engaging and fun!  I know how hard and time-consuming teaching great, interactive lessons can be.  We give everything we have to teaching and our students.  I want you to have engage your students with rigorous lessons while not spending hours creating them! I get it, I’m a mom and devoted teacher too, but there has to be BALANCE!

I create interactive activities that will teach your students important skills while also making them engaging and fun.  They are ready to go and easy to prep to make your life easier.  I can tell you are the type of teacher who is invested in your students and someone who is ready for easy activities that will give you a lot of bang for your buck.  You’re here because you want to be the best elementary school teacher you can be while not spending your entire time at school.

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Let me introduce myself...

I have been teaching for almost 20 years.  I knew I wanted to be a teacher from a very young age and I love helping teachers be the best they can be. I am currently a first-grade dual-language English teacher in our two-way immersion program. We use a two-teacher, 50-50 model. 

My passion is teaching literacy. I have my masters in Reading and absolutely love teaching it. I especially love it in first grade because of the HUGE growth my students make. We have used many reading programs in the past. I have been to NYC to Columbia University Teacher’s College for training in both reading and writing workshops, and completed a school-based Orton-Gillingham and LETRS training. I have also been trained using the Biliteracy Framework. Literacy truly is my passion. 

I want to help you!

In 2015, I realized I wanted to share my passion and knowledge with more than just the teachers in my district.  I started creating resources that would help teachers do interactive and engaging lessons while not spending all of their time creating them.  Since then, blogging and creating resources has become a passion of mine. 

On my blog, you’ll find tips and tricks for creating engaging lessons while also reading about how I do things in my own classroom. 

In my teachers pay teachers store, you’ll find resources that I use in my own classroom. They are easy to use and prep and will allow you to find that balance between doing rigorous and interactive lessons while also spending time outside of school.

I hope you can find resources you can use to support your learners and make your planning time easier.

Happy teaching,