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Bucket Filler Activities, Printables, Certificates & Bulletin Board


This product includes everything you need to be a Bucket Filling classroom! It goes well with the book: Have You Filled a Bucket Today? By Carol McCloud.

You can use these activities year after year. Just print and go, or laminate for extended use.

This Resource Includes:
Detailed directions to explain everything and…

  • 2 mini-posters
  • 2 Bucket Filler vs. Bucket Dipper activities & answer key: Scenarios to discuss if someone is a bucket filler or a bucket dipper
    • 20 word cards (10 each bucket fillers and bucket dippers)
    • 32 picture cards (16 each bucket fillers and bucket dippers)
  • Bucket Filler Craft: Bucket and cloud sentence starters
  • Bucket Filler class book template (included in preview)
  • Awards: Certificate, Bucket Filler mini-award, and Bucket Filler bracelet.
  • Buckets to create bulletin board display title: BUCKET FILLERS

This Bucket Filler pack is intended for grades K-4. It has been a great resource to reinforce being a bucket filler and I refer to it daily.


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