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Inflectional Endings ed, ing, Past & Present Tense, Sorts, Centers & Activities



Students will learn and practice the inflectional past and present tense endings –ed and –ing. The activities in this resource will help your students read and write these inflectional endings, learn how to add –ed or –ing to basic, regular words and learn about past and present verb tenses.
This Resource Includes:
  • 5 posters: 1 each for –ed, –ing, past and present tense (black and white printer friendly options included)
  • 2 Large group pocket chart sorts with large cards.
    • Sort 1: Root word, -ed, and -ing with 3 heading cards (root word, -ed and –ing) and 21 word cards.
    • Sort 2: past and present with 2 heading cards (past and present) and 16 word cards.
  • 3 Small group/individual word work or center activities
    • Sort 1: Root word, -ed, and -ing with 3 sorting mats (root word, -ed and –ing), 3 heading cards (root word, -ed and –ing) and 36 word cards and a recording worksheet
    • Sort 2: past and present with 2 sorting mats (past and present), 2 heading cards (past and present) and 18 word cards and a recording worksheet
    • Sort 3: picture and word match with 10 picture cards with words to match (2 or 3 words per picture (root word, -ed and/or –ing endings) and a recording Worksheet
  • 7 No-prep show-you-know worksheets.
    • 3 Sort and glue (2 pages)
    • 2 add an ending worksheets
    • 1 word find worksheet
    • 1 color the word worksheet
This inflectional –ed and –ing endings packet is intended for first, second and third grades.
It has been great in my classroom and has really helped to teach inflectional ending skills.


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